Weißenburger Platz
If you want to go shopping without the typical big city stress of fighting your way through tightly packed stores, while still being able to choose from a large selection of interesting stores, Haidhausen is the place to go. In this part of town, you can find a nice little shopping district with supermarkets catering to everyday needs, shoe stores, boutiques, banks, unobtrusive repositories, as well as cafés and restaurants ideal for a short break. Idyllic Weißenburger Platz with its beautiful crystal palace fountain, surrounded by flower beds and park benches is the ideal spot to catch your breath.
Even in winter, this square has a warm ambiance when 60 festively decorated and lighted stalls are opened here for the atmospheric Christmas market. A trip to Haidhausen’s back streets is also worth while. On Rosenheimer, Wörth and Breisacher Straße you can find many other special little stores. At Wiener Platz on Innerer Wiener Straße, the small “Wiener Markt,” one of Munich’s permanent grocery markets, opens its delikatessen and flower stalls every day. A high concentration of stores can also be found on busy Einsteinstraße in northern Haidhausen. The highlight: at the Stahlgrubercenter, one of Germany’s biggest Media Markt electronic superstores has its home.
Shopping highlights in Haidhausen
Kaufhaus am Ostbahnhof
Three-storey department store offering ladies’ and men’s fashion, jewelry, books and household supplies.
›› Haidhausen, Orleansplatz 3, Tel. 4 58 55 40
Haidhauser Buchladen
Small cozy shop in central Haidhausen, offering everything from A to Z, a great place to look around.
›› Haidhausen, Weißenburger Str. 29, Tel. 4 48 07 74
Top-quality hifi components, LCD-TV-sets, surround systems, loud speakers, digital radios and a whole variety of access-ories. Demonstrations in special soundproof studio available.
›› Haidhausen, Wörthstraße 45 & 38, Tel. 4 47 07 74, www.hificoncept.de
Münchner Blech
Specialty store for wood winds and brass instruments with professional in-house repair shop.
›› Haidhausen, Gebsattelstr. 11, Tel. 55 05 68 80, www.muenchner-blech.de
Parzival Hörbuchladen
Germany’s oldest and still Bavaria’s only audiobook store. In case you want to listen to a thrilling crime story or classic literature instead of music, here you can choose from 5,000 audiobooks on CD and/or MC in German, English and several other languages.
›› Haidhausen, Breisacher Str. 15, Tel. 4 59 97 63, www.parzival-hoerbuchladen.de
Goldsmith’s workshop featuring beautiful creations by local designer Christine Berger, fun original rings, earrings, chains and bangles, mainly solid silver and tarnished 900 carat gold.
›› Haidhausen, Pariser Str. 22, 44 10 95 92, www.tinissima.de
Western Article Center und Pokale Kaufmann
Imports from the United States and Mexico, for example state flags of all 50 U.S. states. The same store offers goblets, steins, Bavarian souvenirs and an engraving service.
›› Haidhausen, Weißenburgerstr. 24, Tel. 4 48 02 80, www.leanderswac.de