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After you’ve moved to Munich and adapted to your new geographical environment, the next step is to broaden your mind. The sky’s the limit: In Munich you can study almost anything.
There are lots of academies and education centers offering a vast selection of opportunities to upgrade yourself. Most people in Munich go to the Volkshochschule (VHS) to stimulate their brain cells. This state-run college of further education offers around 14,000 courses and events. It has 250,000 students and is the largest public educational institute in Europe.
The VHS headquarters are in the Gasteig cultural and education center at Kellerstrasse 6, near Rosenheimer Platz. However, courses are decentralized and take place at 32 VHS schools and 95 Munich city schools. The crush for places on courses, which begin in March and September, is pretty intense. Course brochures cost € 3 and are available at all VHS registration offices, the town hall, the city libraries, bookshops and kiosks.
Like most big cities, Munich is a student stronghold. More than 44,000 students are currently striving to gain their degrees in the 18 faculties of the Ludwig Maximilians Universität (LMU).
Munich’s technical university (Technische Hochschule) has almost 20,000 students and the University of Applied Sciences (Fachhochschule) has around 13,000.
If you also count the army’s university and a few other smaller universities, Munich has almost 80,000 undergraduates.