© Nyul, Dreamstime.com
Munich is the German city with the strongest economy. The initiative “Neue Soziale Marktwirtschaft (INSM)” (New Social Market Economy) and the “WirtschaftsWoche” (Business Weekly) magazine have awarded Munich the top score in their comparative survey for the second time in 2005.
According to the study, Munich has the lowest unemployment rate for example and - together with Dresden - the highest concentrat-ion of top qualified and best paid employees among Germany’s 50 biggest cities.
© olly, stock.adobe.com
Working for a temp agency can be a useful alternative if you need to find a job quickly or if you don’t want to settle down in a permanent position.
Temporary job agencies link companies who need workers with companies that have a short-term labour shortage.
You can earn enough money to live for a while working for a temp agency and also gain experience and learn new skills – thus boost-ing your chances on the job market. Temp agencies are required by law to offer the same working conditions as other employers.
That includes health and unemployment insurance and pension contributions, maternity and paternity leave.
If your work impresses the company you’re temping for, then you could be taken on as a permanent member of staff. Temp agencies are becoming an increasingly important part of the job market.
The number of temporary employed people Germany has risen from 753 000 inr 2003 to 845 000 in 2004 according to the “Bundesanstalt für Arbeit.”
Temping fairs take place twice a year in April and October at the BIZ center (Berufsinformationszentrum) next to the Agentur für Arbeit (Munich’s Agency for Work) at Kapuzinerstrasse 30.
At these fairs you might be able to get a temporary job straight away or you can just find out information without having to make a commitment.