Jules Verne CampusJules Verne Campus is a bilingual school campus in the south-east of Munich.
It was founded in 2013 with the vision of combining 40 years of pedagogical experience in Switzerland with current insights of neuroscience in a bilingual learning environment. The basis for joyful and healthy learning is a curriculum with daily units of physical exercise and freshly prepared organic food.
The official curriculum is enriched with hands-on experiments and elements such as "inquiry-based learning”: the special subject "Curiosology®" is an example for the focus on maintaining and fostering natural curiosity in school-life.
International cooperations give rise to new perspectives on our world. One such cooperation is with "Ocean College", where for half a year the lessons are held on board a sailing-ship. Following the high demand for this innovative concept, a kindergarten has opened recently on the campus. So, children from the age of three onwards can come along and join Jules Verne Campus on their way to qualify for university.
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