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There are about 6,000 different languages worldwide and each one has countless local dialects.
Television, the Internet and increasing globalization threaten to make many of these dialects extinct.
But there´s no need to worry about a perl among dialects: the South Hessian idiom of the Rhein-Main region – also known as New Hessian. The traditional humor of South Hessian would never allow their local vernacular to die out.
For example, many Hessian comedians, such as the Badesalz group and the Mundstuhl duo, have made Babbeln (babbling) into a nationally treasured source of amusement and a permanent part of the German cultural and media landscape. With our brief language lesson, we would like to provide another small contribution to preserving the Hessian dialect, as well as honor it as a German cultural asset.
English | Hessisch |
Hello! | Guuuude! |
Hallo, my name is Frank | N´Guude, moi Name is Frank |
I´m new here | Isch bin nai do |
I work at the stock exchange | Isch schaffe an de Börse |
How do I get to city hall? | Wie kumm isch zum Rathaus |
Thanks a lot! | En Haufen Dank! |
Feel like going for a walk? | Bogg uff en Schpaziergang? |
Do you want a glass of cider? | Wolle Se e Gläsche Äbbelwoi? |
Oh, yes please! | Oh jo arig gärn! |
Very nice! Another cider please! | Arig lecker! Noch en Äbbelwoi bidde! |
I like you | Isch mag disch |
I don´t understand you | Isch verschdehe Disch nedd |
My darling! | Moi Schnuggelsche/Schadsebobbes! |
Are you angry with me? | Bissde mä bääs? |
I´m going home now | Isch gäj jetz haam |
But of course! | Ei freilisch! |
Hessian isn´t easy | Hessisch is nedd aafoch |
Hessian: an advanced course
English | Hessisch |
On the little tower... | Uff´m Täammsche... |
sits a little worm... | hoggd e Wäammsche... |
with its little umbrella... | midd seim Schäammsche... |
under its little arm... | unnäm Äammsche... |
A little storm comes... | kommd e Schdäammsche... |
and tosses the little worm... | wäffd´s Wäammsche... |
with its little umbrella... | midd seim Schäammsche... |
under its little arm... | unnäm Äammsche... |
from the little tower | fonn´em Täammsche |
Am I glad that nobody speaks | Bin isch froo, dass mä bei uns |
with an accent at home! | dehaam kaan Diejaläggd schbrischd! |