Hamburger Sommer DOM
Hamburger Comedy Pokal
Hamburg comedy competition, established in 2003. 20 comedians duel with jokes.
›› Last weekend in January, various locations
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Weinmesse Hamburg
Biggest wine event in Northern Germany, more than 8,000 visitors.
›› 3 days, Hotel Intercontinental, Fontenay 10,
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Hamburger Frühlings-Dom
Northern Germany’s biggest fun fair, held three times a year, 160,000 sq m festival grounds, 3 km of sideshows and rides, more than 260 show people and about 9 million visitors annually.
›› 4 weeks, Heiligengeistfeld,
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Lange Nacht der Museen
More than 40 museums and exhibition sites are open until 2 am in the morning.
›› 1 evening, various locations
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The world’s largest harbor festival, more than 1 million visitors, highlights are arrival and departure processions of tall sailing ships and traditional ships. In 2010 the harbor celebrated its 821th birthday.
›› 3 days, Speicherstadt/HafenCity,
Haspa Marathon Hamburg
Traditional Hamburg Marathon across town, more than 23,000 participants.
›› 1 day, Start: Hamburg Messe, St. Petersburger Str. 1, Start: 9 am, Tel. 61 67 73,
Japanisches Kirschblütenfest
Traditional festival organized by Japanese citizens who live in Hamburg, fireworks and colorful cultural program plus cherry blossom princess pageant.
›› Around May 19, Außenalster,
Hagenbeck’s jungle nights have been famous way beyond the city limits for more than 20 years; colorful program featuring animals and people, music and show acts throughout the park.
›› 3 evenings between May and June, 6 pm-12 am, Stellingen, U-Bahn U2 or busses 22, 39, 181, 281 bis Haltestelle "Hagenbecks Tierpark", Tel. 5 30 03 30,
Queen Mary 2
The giant Queen Mary 2 ocean liner will attract thousands of admiring sightseers when the “Lady” drops anchor in Hamburg’s harbor on May 4, 8 and 28; June 1; August 5 and 13. You can see it best from the the View Point in HafenCity.
›› 6 days, HafenCity
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Largest regional cultural festival with street festival, stage acts, antiques & art market, flea market and more.
›› 14 days, Altona, diverse Orte, Kontakt: Bleickenallee 5, Tel. 39 80 69 70,
Eppendorfer Landstraßenfest
One of Hamburg’s largest district festivals, with artists’ market, gourmet section and live entertainment on two stages.
›› 1 weekend, Eppendorfer Landstr.,
Nacht des Wissens
Lectures, experiments, exhibitions, concerts and workshops at universities and other educational institutions, shuttle bus service.
›› 1 evening, various locations,
Hamburg Harley Days
Motorcyclists’ get-together lasting several days, with large Sunday parade across the city.
››1 weekend, St. Pauli, Landungsbrücken
Open-Air Jazzfestival
Free jazz concerts at Planten un Blomen.
›› 2 days, Planten un Blomen, Info: Jazzbüro, Tel. 6 89 87 68 41
Queen Mary 2
›› See May, HafenCity
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Hamburger Ballett-Tage
Ballet premieres and repertoire presentations, guest performances and the legendary Nijinski gala will enchant any ballet fan.
›› 2 weeks, Hamburgische Staatsoper,
Schleswig-Holstein Musikfestival
Music festival for fans of classical music, more than 130 concerts, venues all over the state of Schleswig-Holstein and Hamburg.
›› July to end of August,
Procession of pop song fans with decorated trucks across St. Pauli, up to 500,000 participants.
›› 2 days, Heiligengeistfeld,
Internation. Salsafestival
Workshops, shows and parties dedicated to salsa.
›› 3 days, CCH,
Hamburger Sommer-DOM
›› 4 weeks, see March
Duckstein Festival
Art, culture and culinary delights on Fleet Island, comedy, aerial acrobats, music and international street theater.
›› 1 week, Neustadt, Fleetinsel,
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Christopher Street Day
Gay Pride street festival with large downtown parade and many parties.
›› 1 week,
Romantik Nächte
Three romantic evenings of classical music and culinary delicacies staged against the backdrop of Hagenbeck Zoo.
›› 3 evenings, Hagenbecks Tierpark,
Queen Mary 2
›› See May, HafenCity
Vattenfall Cyclassics
Cycle race for pros and amateurs, 20,000 participants, extensive program with cycling fair.
›› 1 day, Mönckebergstr.,
Open air music festival at the landing stages, lots of beer and great atmosphere.
›› 1 day, Landungsbrücken,
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Giant spectacle around the Inner Alster, theater, shows and international fireworks festival.
›› 4 days, Binnenalster,
The Inner Alster becomes a showplace for the popular dragon boat regatta for two days in September.
›› 2 days,
Hamburger Theaternacht
Theater, opera, dance, musical, shows, stand-up comedy and vaudeville, more than 30 venues, shuttle bus service between theaters.
›› 1 evening,
Hamburger Entenrennen
A rubber duck race hotly contested by 10, 000 of the little yellow birdies on the Binnenalster.
›› 1 day,
Filmfest Hamburg
About 140 international feature films, eight categories, German, European or world premieres.
›› 10 days, various cinemas,
International music and theater festival for children.
›› 2 months, various locations, Information: KinderKinder e.V.
Holsteinischer Kamp 104, Tel. 29 99 11 37,
Harbour Front Literaturfestival
This international literature festival includes more than 60 events covering the whole harbor area, including a Salonbar on the Cap San Diego museum freighter ship.
›› 10 days,
Pyro Games
German and foreign fireworks professionals compete to prove their pyrotechnic skills.
›› 1 day, Trabarena Bahrenfeld,
3-day music festival on the Reeperbahn.
›› 3 days, Spielbudenplatz,
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Hamburger Jazztage
Bands from Hamburger and international guests perform on a large stage.
›› 2 days, Kampnagel, information: Jazzbüro, Tel. 6 89 87 68 41,
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Holiday on Ice
Ice skating show, featuring colorful costumes and lighting effects.
›› 5 days, Color Line Arena,
Hamburger Winter-DOM
›› 4 weeks, see March
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›› Altstadt, Gerhart-Hauptmann-Platz, daily 10 am-10 pm
›› Altstadt, Rathausmarkt, daily 11 am-9 pm
›› Neustadt, Gänsemarkt, daily 11 am-9 pm
›› Eimsbüttel, Osterstraße
›› Ottensen, at EKZ Mercado
New Year´s Eve
At midnight on the dot, all of Hamburg comes together on the landing stages to enjoy the spectacular fireworks.
›› Fireworks at Landungsbrücken
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